David Kikodze,
Deputy Director, Institute of Botany, Ilia State University
Mob: (+995 599) 588 1285
E-mail: kikodze.david@iliauni.edu.ge
Botanikuri street 1, 0105 Tbilisi, Georgia
1991 Institute of Botany, Sankt-Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences; Post-graduate courses in floristics and higher plant taxonomy
1982 Faculty of Biology, Tbilisi State University; Diploma, majored in Biology and Chemistry
Ecologist, Higher Plants
Plant Conservation
Environmental Impact Assessment
Revegetation and Landscaping
Since 2011 Deputy Director, Institute of Botany, Ilia State University
2007-2011 Deputy Director, Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden
2003-2007 Head of Department of Herbarium, Researcher, Department of Herbarium, Institute of Botany, Georgian Academy of Sciences
1992-2003 Researcher, Department of Herbarium, Institute of Botany, Georgian Academy of Sciences
Professional Memberships
Since 2016 Member of International Advisory Council to Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Since 2012 Alternate member for Europe of CITES Plants Committee
Georgian (native), Russian (fluent), English (fluent)
Scientific Research
2019-2020 Impact of bulb harvest on selected five populations of Green Snowdrop (Galanthus woronowii) awarded by Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture Project coordinator responsible for preparation of field data collection methodology, data analysis and reporting
2019 Establishment of annual quota of Caucasian Cyclamen to improve the export process awarded by Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture; Project coordinator responsible for preparation of field data collection methodology, data analysis and reporting
2019 Preparation of Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) National Report for Georgia, Consultant (commissioned by Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture)
2020 to present Threatened Biodiversity Hotspot Programme, Georgia
2018 to present Enhancing the Livelihoods of Caucasian Rural Communities Through Fruit and Nut Conservation, Darwin Initiative
2017-2018 Project coordinator, “Collaborative action to conserve Georgia’s threatened Megrelian birch – Betula megrelica”, supported by BGCI
2017-2018 Consultant, Project “Integrated conservation of Salix kikodseae – a Georgian Red List species” supported by BGCI
2015-2019 Cordinator of Institute of Botany team, Garfield Weston Global Tree Seed Bank, in cooperation with RBG Kew, Great Britain
2015 Project coordinator, Plant Species in International Trade (CITES) – Project: Sustainable Management of Biodiversity (SMB), South Caucasus, PN: 11.2197.9-004.00
2013-2014 Leading expert, Institute of Botany, Ilia State University, “Elaboration of the Indicators S3 “Population sizes of selected species” (Part 1: Flora) and P9 “Number and distribution of invasive species”- (50 worst alien plant species in Georgia) under NBMS Georgia”, Project: Sustainable Management of Biodiversity (SMB), South Caucasus, PN: 11.2197.9-004.00
2009-2010 Coordinator of Georgia Teams, Improving Implementation of CITES for Galanthus woronowii and Cyclamen coum from Georgia.
2006 to 2008 Coordinator of Georgian Teams, Swiss National Science Foundation Grant (NF SCOPES IB73A0-110830), “Checklist of alien and invasive plants of Georgia”
2006 Project Coordinator, Grant provided by Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust (UK), “Survey of Traunscaucasian Snowdrops”
2003-2004 Researcher, CRDF/GRDF Award #3304 “The role of facilitative interactions in overgrazed meadows, alpine plant communities, and for predicting responses to global warming”
2002-2003 Coordinator of Georgian Teams, Swiss National Science Foundation Grant (NF SCOPES 7GEPJ065726.01), “Biocontrol of Veratrum album subsp. lobelianum”
2000 Member of Georgian Team - Awardee of National Geographic Society (USA) Grant # 6884-00 “Floristic investigation of Georgian Provinces”
2000 Member of Georgian Team-Awardee of US CRDF Grant # GB1-2010
1998 Member of Georgian Team - Awardee of National Geographic Society (USA) Grant # 5866-97 “Floristic Survey of Georgia, the Caucasus”
1997-1998 Member of Georgian Team-Awardee of US CRDF Grant # GB1-117
Callaway, R.M., R.W. Brooker, P. Choler, Z. Kikvidze, C.J. Lortie, R. Michalet, L., Paolini, F.I. Pugnaire, B. Newingham, E.T. Aschehoug, C. Armas, D. Kikodze and B.J. Cook. 2002. Positive interactions among alpine plants increase with stress. Nature 417:844-848.
Kikvidze, Z., Khetsuriani, L., and Kikodze, D. 2005. Small-scale guild proportions and complementarity in a Caucasian subalpine hay meadow. Journal of Vegetation Science 16: 565-570
Callaway, R.M, Kikodze, D., Chiboshvili, M., and Khetsuriani, L. 2005. Unpalatable plants protect neighbors from grazing and increase plant community diversity. Ecology, 86(7), 2005, pp. 1856–1862
Hierro, José L.; Eren, Özkan; Khetsuriani, Liana; Diaconu, Alecu; Török, Katalin; Montesinos, Daniel; Andonian, Krikor; Kikodze, David; Janoian, Levan; Villarreal, Diego; Estanga-Mollica, María E.; Callaway, Ragan M. 2009. Germination responses of an invasive species in native and non-native ranges. Oikos, Volume 118, Number 4, pp. 529-538
Kikodze, D., McGough, N., Smith, M., Wilford, R., Garrett, L., Memiadze, N., Kharazishvili, D., Manvelidze, Z., Khutsishvili, M., Deisadze, G., Pantsulaia, T., and Eristavi, M. (2009). Trade in Georgian Snowdrops – A Roadmap to Sustainability. Report of CITES project No S302 Improving Implementation of CITES for Galanthus woronowii and Cyclamen coum from Georgia. CITES Scientific Authority of Georgia, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK & Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
Noel McGough, David Kikodze, Richard Wilford, Lucy Garrett, Grigol Deisadze, Natalie Jaworska, and Matthew J. Smith, Assessing non-detrimental trade for a CITES Appendix II-listed plant species: the status of wild and cultivated Galanthus woronowii in Georgia, in Oryx, The International Journal of Conservation, Cambridge Journals, 2013.
Daniela Julia Klara Thalmann, David Kikodze, Manana Khutsishvili, David Kharazishvili, Antoine Guisan, Olivier Broennimann, Heinz Müller-Schärer. (2014) Areas of high conservation value in Georgia: present and future threats by invasive alien plants. Biological Invasions. Online publication date: 29-Aug-2014.
Bussmann, Rainer W, Paniagua Zambrana, Narel Y, Sikharulidze, Shalva, Kikvidze, Zaal, Kikodze, David, Jinjikhadze, Tamar, Shanshiashvili, Tamaz, Chelidze, Dato,Batsatsashvili, Ketevan, and Bakanidze, Niki (2014) Wine, Beer, Snuff, Medicine, and Loss of Diversity - Ethnobotanical travels in the Georgian Caucasus. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 12. С. 237-313.